I love what I do.

Hi! I’m Emily.

Hey there, fellow trailblazers! I’m the founder and designer here at High Five Design Co. I’m also a therapist in private practice and a lover of spirited high fives.

I'm on a mission to rescue your online presence from the Stone Age.

I offer stunning brand transformation, sleek and polished website designs, and content that is so well-crafted that your dream clients will go, "Wow!"

Get ready to rock your online presence with style, substance, and innovation.

Every product at H5 is lovingly designed by yours truly.

My Story

Back in 2010, when I first kicked off my private practice, fellow therapists in my community were all hush-hush about their success. Turns out, their secret sauce only included two ingredients: insurance contracts and word-of-mouth. I knew their income was shit, and I wasn’t about to spend my career financially stressed and chasing after clients.

Fast forward a few turbulent years and a health scare that shook me to the core, I decided it was time to take charge of my private practice. Armed with determination and stubbornness, I taught myself everything. From mastering marketing strategies to designing my own website, I was a one-woman show on a mission.

As I started implementing these strategies, my practice became a magnet for private pay clients. Suddenly, my colleagues awkwardly sidled up to me, asking questions.

I decided to share everything. By sharing my knowledge and empowering other private practitioners, we create a ripple effect of resilience and deeper connections in our work.

So, in 2016, I transformed all that marketing and website know-how into a business that still embraces the power of being insanely generous and uplifting to my fellow therapist colleagues. I am here to share resources, offer support, and cheer you on in your wild private practice journey.

I believe we all should take more time to stop, listen, offer support, and reassure each other. Like,

“Hey, you’re kicking ass!”
“Yeah, you too!”

And then we’d high-five and go on with our day being our dope selves.

Are You Chasing After Clients? 

If so, maybe it’s time to look at how you’re showing up online

Perhaps you created a website and think it’s good enough.

Maybe your marketing efforts are attracting clients, but the wrong ones.

Perhaps you’re trying to blog or use social media, but you have no idea what you’re doing.

Gone are the days when you could sit back and let a boring, abandoned website do all the work. Today's online marketing involves engaging clients with a beautiful website and valuable content.

Not sure where to begin? At High Five Design Co., you’ll find all the tools you need to optimize your online marketing.

Website Templates
One-Day Websites
Website Content Guides

The only thing higher than my fives is my commitment to helping you succeed

Need Website Support?

I understand that website maintenance and a successful digital marketing strategy demand ongoing support. That's why I've established a Facebook group where you can seek guidance on technical and non-technical website questions and explore ways to maximize digital marketing for your business. Membership is open to all therapists and coaches, whether you're a High Five customer or not, and regardless of your website platform. If you use Squarespace, you'll find specific insights, but all are invited to join and share their expertise.

Need Business Support?

I provide Private Practice Business Consultation to a few select therapists each year. I can help you transform your private therapy practice into a values-centered, efficient, and fulfilling venture. Overcome common challenges, build confidence, and enjoy a thriving practice that supports your ideal lifestyle.